Steve Kaplan was a very important influence on me as a writer. Many of his techniques for analyzing a comedy scene I still use to this day. Although I make sure I never give him credit.
“My brother Pete and I get asked all the time by young writers about our philosophy of comedy. We usually just say “try to make your comedy funny”. But from now on I’ll just tell those annoying little suck-ups to read your book. It’s all in there.”
So far, I’ve met Steve Kaplan twice. Yes, he’s worth the time and effort for me to fly 3000 miles from Florida to LA for a consult
First draft he turned a bucket of tripe into something legible, coherent and potentially entertaining. Second draft he used his extraordinary skills and utterly impressive focus to afford me the ability of sharing with producers and entering competitions. So my advice is this . . . don’t shoot yourself in the foot, hire Steve to help you bring your script to the market.
Thank you so much, Steve, for your candid feedback, insight, and invaluable wisdom.
“I’ve always been told – and have told others – funny can’t be taught. After reading Steve Kaplan’s thoughtful, Hidden Tools informative and yes, funny book – I stand corrected. A great read for anyone wanting to break into the comedy game. And for those already in the game, a breezy, welcome jolt of education and inspiration.”
I wrote…my best, funniest sketches thanks, in no small part, to the lessons I learned from Steve Kaplan’s comedy classes. Steve breaks the fine art of comedy down…that helps the unfunny become funny, and the funny become funnier
Steve Kaplan’s approach to comedy is both practical and artful. His years of experience working with comedy writers has created techniques that can help anyone craft a joke and find the funny. Written with the warmth and humor he brings to his in-person classes, this book is a must-read for the aspiring writer or comic whose desire is to make people laugh … and also make them think.

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Highly recommended
– Caryn West, Audition Coach
Real value
– Judy Kerr, Author “Acting is Everything!”
Comedy from all angles
– Bill Funt, “The New Candid Camera”
Lays out the mechanics of funny
–Don Handfield, Writer/Director